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Class of 1974

In Memoriam
Honoring classmates who have passed away
Tim Basler
Bob Bird
Julius Biro
Bonnie McGann Blank
Susan Brown Buchert
Tom Connell
John Coy
Laurie Wallace Davis
Marty Doerr
Joe Fazio
George Greene
Drew Haynam
Carolyn Haynes
Jan Hewitt
Jim Hunter
Chip Krivacek
Carolyn Stanhope Magee
Cyndi Mintz-Maluk
John Moore
Connie Morgan
Pam Nalley
Craig Nemeth
Maceo Noisette
Bill Palisky
Scott Petersen
John Pfeifer
Sharon Tomko Pillow
Al Rosenfeldt
Paula Novotny Siller
Melinda Sipple
Karen Sobonya Stover
Pam Veverka
Laurie Umstead Vrabel
Tom West
Debbie Collins Wides
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