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These classmates are missing from our updated email list.
If you have current contact information for a missing classmate, please send details to Carolyn Cousins Glaser 

Jim Adams

Janice Alldridge

Leonard Anderson

Paul Ayers

Mark Benson

Todd Braff

Mike Bramson

Joe Brown

Roger Bumpus

Candy Calire

Deborah Pearl Chudakoff

Jan Cigliano

Shelly Domiano Czech

Debbie Hecker Day

Carolyn Deluca

George Domany

Paul Donnelly

Dave Erdman

Dave Foss

Tim Furey

Connie Cook Garlick

Carol Holmes Gerhardstein

Cheryl Siegel Gleghorn

Todd Gruettner

Sherry Meteling Harris

Art Haydu

Rosemary Finelli Heiss

Leigh Hermance Henry

Sharon Hollowell

Larry Hyde

Larry Jech

David Kane

Rick Kennedy

Joe Kiernan

Sharon Kodek Lausin

John Koepke

Richard Smolik Kowalski

Tom Lanciotti

Jeff Lebhar

Cheryl Wittine Leslie

Mark Long

Lawrence Lynch

Cheryl Fisher Lyncher

Mike Mahan

Debbie Mandt

Jeff Markley

Debbie Beebe McCullough

Kim Meredith

Skip Naegel

Karen Nelson

Eva Porrello Neuman

Jeff Nichol

Kurt Pedersen

Charlene Herbert Ross

Barbara Csiszko Schmauder

Sue Schlessman Schutt

Lee Shepperd

Ellen Beerman Solomon

Rhonda Oravec Steinel

Gail Stoller

Mindi Kleinman Treister

John Veraar

Tom Wagenlander

Linda Waters

Michelle Webb

Brenda Rice Wright


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